Reducing Scrap

Evaporation from 4th to 9th March 4,4,4,1-5,2,1

One of the innovations I tried this year was to make “sedan boxes” out of the thinnest angle iron (40x40x3) that I could find and the thinnest sheet metal. It takes two sheets to make a box: one sheet does 1.6m high by 1.2m wide back and 0.8m deep by 1.2m wide floor. The other sheet does 1.2m wide by 0.8m high front and two sides, 1.2m high by 0.8m deep. These boxes have “tarpaulin” covers and can take 200 clips of all but the heaviest tobacco. We carry the boxes to the barn, load the clips, carry them back to the shed where we WEIGH them. The tobacco sits in there for 24hrs and then the boxes are carried to the untying table.
It is the first time I have a had a weight of cured tobacco OUT OF THE BARN with which to compare the weight of tobacco IN THE BALE. It seems also to have reduced my scrap – which should be enough to pay for the boxes in my first year.


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